The Jean Monnet Center of Excellence and the UNESCO Chair of the Department of International and European Studies, University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece, are organising a Summer academy on European Studies and Protection of Human rights  consisting of two summer schools in English. The academic faculty in both summer schools are University professors and experts from all over Greece and the EU (Great Britain, Spain and Poland).
The first summer school is on “Freedom, Security and Justice in the EU“.  It will  be held from Friday July 8, afternoon until Monday, July 11, 2016, afternoon, in Thessaloniki, Greece. In particular, the summer school will last 25 hours and there will be 2 ECTS for those who pass a multiple choice exam. The main areas of study will be:
·       Institutional Structure and Development (EU institutions, Frontex, Eurojust, European Attorney) which will be analyzed by Prof. Chrysomallis,
·       European Citizenship and the protection of fundamental rights in the Area of Freedom Security and Justice by D. Anagnostopoulou,
·       Internal and External Security by Prof. F. Bellou,
·       Immigration and asylum policies by Prof. V. Hatzopoulos and I. Papageorgiou,
·       EU Private International Law by M. Gardenes – Santiago (Autonomous University of Barcelona),
·       European criminal law (Dr. A. Giannakoula)
 The tuition fees are 250 euros and special offer 200 euros for University students. See complete leaflet
Apply now!
Here is the programme of lectures
The second summer school will begin on Thursday, July 14 afternoon and will end on Tuesday, July 19 in Zagora, Pelion, Greece. It will last 40 hours with a focus on the protection of human rights in Europe:
·       International human rights protection mechanisms (International Covenants and International Conventions), taught by f. Professor P. Naskou Perraki (University of Macedonia)
·       European Convention on Human Rights by Dr. Dagmara Rajska, expert of the Council of Europe, who will discuss  the right for fair trial and the right to asylum,
·       Freedom of Expression by Prof. I. Papadopoulos (University of Macedonia),
·       Protection of Personal Data by Prof. E. Alexandropoulou (University of Macedonia),
·       EU Charter of Fundamental Rights by Prof. L. Papadopoulou (Aristotle University of Macedonia),
·       Prohibition of discrimination and LGBT Rights, by Prof. D. Anagnostopoulou (University of Macedonia),
·       Protection of minorities and cultural rights by Dr. Nikos Gaitenidis, Head of the Observatory on Constitutional Values of the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence, and
·       Workshop on intercultural skills by Prof. I. Papavasileiou (University of Macedonia)
For this summer school the tuition fee is EUR 350 and EUR 300 for University students. There will be 3 ECTS (Extracurricular) for those who pass a multiple choice exam.
Accomodation at Villa Gayani is not included in the course fee but we have obtained a special price for each participant of 15 euros for a single room, 13 euros for a double room and 10 euros for a triple room. We have also planned optional evening excursions to beaches Horefto, Milopotamos and Damouchari by tourist bus. A Certificate of attendance will be issued to all while a Certificate of Graduation will be awarded to all those passing a multiple choice examination.
Students who attend both summer schools of our summer academy will have a total discount of 10%. Also, we will be able to offer you discount (in the form of a scholarship for delegations of more than 5 people (one for a group of 5, two for a group of 10 etc.). Registrations of 2 participants will have a 10% discount. We do not cover any visa costs, accommodation or transportation.
Apply now!
For additional information, please refer to the attached posters and booklets or contact:
Assistant Professor Despina Anagnostopoulou 2310 891 442
or Ms. Chrysothea Basia
Phone number: 00306979348008