The Jean Monnet Chair of the Department of International and European Studies of the University of Macedonia, hosts a three-day “International Conference” on “Developments and Challenges of the EU Area of Freedom, Security and Justice” in Thessaloniki, 14-16 February 2013. The Conference is dedicated to the memory of the late member of the EU Parliament and Judge at the ECHR, Prof. Dimitrios Evrigenis as his multifarious work is closely related to, at least, four of the dimensions of AFSJ:  Fundamental Rights, Racism and Xenophobia, Aliens Law, as well as International  Private International Law.


Thursday the 14th and Friday the 15th of February: University of Macedonia, Ceremonies Auditorium

Saturday the 16th of February: Dimitrios Evrigenis Amphitheater, Centre of International and European Economic Law.


  1. Centre of International and European Economic Law (CIEEL)
  2. Greek Public Prosecutors Union
  3. Thessaloniki Bar Association
  4. Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB)
  5. Department of International Studies, Law School of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Director: Prof. K. Hatzikonstantinou
  6. Department of International Studies, Law School of Athens, Director V. Christianos
  7. Ionian University
  8. Jean Monnet Chair ad Personam Professor Stelios Perrakis, “Democraccy and Human Rights in EU”, Panteion University, Athens
  9. Jean Monnet Chair, “European Constitutional Law and Constitutional Culture”, Law School of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
  10. European Centre for Research and Training in Human Rights and Humanitarian Action, Panteion University, Panteion University, Athens

The Conference explores the progress of European integration in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice. The latest developments and upcoming challenges regarding the development of the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice and their implications for the citizens will be examined.

The Conference is addressed to academics, researchers and students dealing with EU affairs, government officials and local authorities, judges and representatives of civil society. Participants will acquire knowledge and up-to-date information on current and critical issues related to the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice.

The aim of the Conference is the promotion of critical and multidimensional research topics as well as the promotion of academic reflection and dialogue. In addition, the Conference aims at creating a solid foundation for a more effective collaboration between academia, civil society and the judiciary in order to facilitate the mutual flow of knowledge.

The Conference should also provide an overall and qualified analysis of the challenges imposed to the Border Management, Migration and Asylum by the economic crisis. It will also focus on Criminal and Civil Justice in EU. Furthermore, the Conference will stimulate dialogue and active participation in the process of exploring the links between migration and security and the internal/external security nexus. Finally, it will provide further knowledge and new insights about the role of Fundamental Rights and European Values in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice as well as the rise of political extremism in the European societies and the value of cultural diversity.

The Conference will be structured on six different sessions- each session including at least 4 lectures by academics of different academic background, young researchers, civil society representatives, judges and stakeholders. The Conference will also provide participants with the opportunity for debate and dialogue.

 The proceedings of the Conference will be uploaded on the University of Macedonia Jean Monnet Chair website and subsequently will be published in a single volume which will be disseminated to university libraries. The availability and accessibility of knowledge will initiate further discussion.


"New Dimensions on EU Legal Studies", University of Macedonia, Department of International and European Studies